Campaign Manager - Campaigns

testing Campaigns In Campaign Designer

During the build phase of the campaign, the test functionality gives the marketer the ability to execute the campaign in Test Mode with controlled output parameters. It is important to note that campaign validation will still execute as part of Test Mode execution, so all connected elements must be fully defined prior to being able to test a campaign.

This allows a number of key features:

  • Define and test Audiences in full Campaign flow: Although the campaign is being executed in Test Mode, all Audience members still flow through the campaign, with all features such as Variable Setting, Control Group assignment, If Branch processing etc, still executing against the real audience members, allowing the marketer to review recipient state and counts at each stage of the campaign as if it were in production.
Note: Campaign Audiences in Test Mode are Locked Inclusions, so Audiences cannot be edited to expand the Audience once started. If this is required, the campaign should be cleared and re-executed with the new Audience definition.
  • Add Break Points to limited test Campaign flow: Unlike in live mode, this features allows validation and execution of a campaign that contains disconnected elements. Delete the link between elements and the campaign will execute from the Audience to the last connected element only.
  • Testing of Timers: All timers will operate as configured to allow testing of schedules or set all to do "Now" for accelerated execution.
  • Single recipient email deployments: Deploy up to 9 emails to a single defined email address. It should be noted that the email will be sent with data from the first 9 recipients in the output.
  • Limited File or Omni-Channel output: Set a limit on the number of rows being exported for easy validation of file formats on smaller than production size files.
  • Event Execution: Email events and API events can still be used to trigger specified recipients through the flow in Test Mode to allow event trigger testing as well as trigger campaign flow logic.
Note: Events from Test Mode campaigns do return into the Responses table to support all campaign features, but Contact records are not added to the Contact History table, so these events will not be attributed to a Contact Record.
  • Start, Pause, Clear and Re-execute: Campaigns can be run, cleared and run again as many times as required prior to live execution to build up confidence in even the most complex of campaigns.
  • View temporary Campaign History: Configured as an admin feature at the Campaign Key level, this feature allows the Contact History from test campaigns to be rolled into a Test Campaign History allowing view of the Contact History records that would be created.


  1. Simply create your campaign and ensure that the campaign will validate. Note as defined above that for test mode execution any errors relating to not connected elements can be ignored.
  2. Click the Test option on the Ribbon Bar for test execution
  3. Complete the form to configure the test parameters
    1. Email options - If your user has an email address defined in the system, this will automatically be selected, if not is not displayed select Other and enter the required email address. This will be the address used for all emails sent by the test.
    2. Use Data of first option will select up to 9 allowing the first 1-9 recipient data to be used for the test.
    3. Check the option if you wish the test execution to insert the Seed records to the test output.
    Note:This feature is designed for testing email and campaign logic. If you want to view more combinations of email creatives, the Email Preview feature should be used on the Email Slide in screen
  4. File and Agent Options allow the definition of the number of rows to be output, the value must be greater than zero or simply select All.
  5. The Save changes and test option will then re-run campaign validation and execute the test or cancel at this point to revert back to the campaign.
  6. Once active, use the appropriate Ribbon Bar option to Pause, which will then allow Resume Test or Clear ready for re-execution again either in Test Mode to Live.
best practice Note: It is advised that any test campaigns are cleared overnight unless configured and required to run over multiple days. The default End Date for Campaigns are 11:59 on the day of start, so leaving active overnight would cause a Test Mode campaign to go past its End Date and this would mean it cannot be edited again as it is complete.
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